
Virtual Yoga School

“Necessity is the mother of all invention.” – Plato

Before the pandemic for many people, our yoga school and community served as a place of refuge, where people turn to in order destress, take a break, recharge and heal. When we were forced to close our physical doors in March 202 we realized the necessity of maintaining a regular yoga practice and a connection to a positive community more than ever. So we figured it out and launched our Virtual Yoga School. This was a great addition to what we offer at our yoga school and continued with it after lock downs and the ‘end’ of the pandemic.


What is it?

  • Daily livestream classes.
  • Access to the on-demand recorded classes so you can follow them at anytime that suits you.
  • Access to recorded posture discussion sessions where keys parts of the practice are explained.
  • Before and after every livestream class there is time to interact with your dedicated team of teachers.
  • Access is available for ANYONE, ANYWHERE with and internet connection and a desire to move and feel better.
  • All In-studio pricing options include Livestream and On-Demand Recorded classes FREE.

How does it work?

  • Join our monthly unlimited autopay membership for €35
  • Cancel anytime with 2 week written notice.
  • Book your classes online via our website timetable – up to 10 minutes before the start of any lesson.
  • 60, 15 minutes and 5 minutes before the lesson you receive an email with your ZOOM link for class.
  • Get out your mat and get ready to take class! (see below for more tips on giving you the best virtual experience).

Buy the Virtual Yoga School Membership

Only €35 per month
Unlimited livestream classes per month
Unlimited access to online library per month
No minimum commitment
2 week cancellation notice

What type of yoga are the classes?

For our LIVESTREAM classes we take an iPad with a special microphone and receiver into the yoga room with us to teach each class. We set up the iPad at the back of the room so the teacher can watch you from home and interact with you (if you leave your camera on) during class. You can also see a view of the yoga room to check in and make sure you are moving with the class. We find that taking the Livestream classes has a huge advantage over taking recorded or YouTube classes because as you practice you feel accountable for your practice just as you would if you came to the studio and the teacher is giving you encouragement and corrections along the way.

You can access our On-Demand Recorded classes when signed into our website and you have an in-studio pricing option or a virtual membership. These classes are mostly classes from lockdowns where the teacher was only watching people from home and these classes have a shorter duration as we mostly did only 1 set of each posture as opposed to the normal 2 sets. This was done with the intention of getting people to move slower since it was new practicing from home. You can also find some recorded 90 minute classes from the livestream studio classes as well.


I am a beginner

We also have a section of posture discussion videos to help you with some posture tips. Check them out even if you’re only practicing in-studio. It is great material to learn from.

For our VIRTUAL version of the bikram series we do 1 set of each posture and breathing exercise. We move slowly and focus on strength to keep the muscles warm. Each class is approximately 70 + minutes.

I have a posture question, how can I find help? As we are building our virtual library of videos you might find your answer there, they will be listed by posture. You can also view the posture section of our website here to see pictures and read more about them. Also if you come into class earlier, the teacher will arrive 15 minutes before class and also be available after class so you can ask questions.

I have an injury, can I still practice the yoga safely? YES! Just move slower and don’t force anything. We will also build our library to discuss various topics and injuries and how to keep practicing to heal faster and keep you sane.

Be prepared to listen, work hard and finish with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. All levels are welcomed and encouraged. Everyone has to start from somewhere and we love to help you on your way.

Tips for a good virtual class

  • Before your 1st class download ZOOM on your phone or tablet from the app store. If you are using you computer follow this link for the download.
  • Familiarize yourself with how to join a ZOOM meeting with this link.
  • Set your computer or mobile device so it is not set to go to sleep while you are practicing, then the screen won’t go black.
  • Set yourself up in a good spot where you have plenty of space.
  • If you are going to leave your camera on so the teacher can see you and interact with you be aware that we record the class and it will be available for viewing on our website after class. So by leaving your camera on you are giving permission for this.
  • Set yourself up in an appropriate way that the teacher can easily see your postures.
  • When you sign in you can turn your camera off or leave it on and select “gallery view” so you can see the rest of your class.
  • Do you want an example yogi to follow for reference? At the start of each class the teacher will mention who has a good camera angle and is familiar with our yoga series and then you can find them and select to view them during class instead of the gallery view or seeing your teacher.
  • See you soon and have a GREAT class!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have a lesson card (5 lessons, 10 lessons), can I use my lesson card for these virtual classes?
  • I have a lesson card (5 lessons, 10 lessons) and it is not yet expired, can I use my lesson card for these virtual classes? Yes, but that might be a very expensive virtual class. Why not buy a 5 week pass for only €40. CLICK HERE TO BUY.
  • I do not want a membership, I just want to try 1 class, is this possible? No. It is better for you to experience the yoga, hearing the instructions, finding your best yoga space and seeing how it feels over a period of time. So we want you to try for a month as 1 class is not enough, especially when this is new to you.
  • When I join the Zoom meeting for class I cannot hear the teacher, what is wrong? The best and quickest way to solve this is to close Zoom and then re-enter the meeting.
  • How will I know if I am doing the postures correctly or not? If you leave your camera on and set yourself at a good angle with good light the teacher can more easily see you and give you feedback. However, as long as you move really slow and listen carefully to the instructions and your body. When you feel you have gone far enough just hold still and breath, that is yoga! Overtime you will learn more and improve and build your depth in the posture.